All Hive Analytics dashboards have global filters that apply to every widget in the dashboard. ย One example is the projects filter. The default setting is to show all projects, but it is editable.
So if you want to see the productivity for only one project, you can create that filter.
These filters automatically are shown every time you open Hive Analytics.
Some examples include:
Project - filter to what project(s) you want to see
Action due dates - control the timeframe for the actions due section
Actions completed - control the timeframe for the completed actions section
Project Status - filter to specific project statuses
Assignees - filter to specific users or groups of users
Labels - filter using labels
Is Action Archived - filter for whether on not an action is archived
Is Project archived - filter for whether on not a project is archived
To edit a filter:
Click the edit pencil on the filter you want to change.
Select the project(s), person(s), etc. that you want to filter and press ok. It should automatically update your dashboard.
To hide filters:
Click the gray arrow on the left hand side of the filters panel.