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External Users

Collaborate with external users on your projects

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over 7 months ago

External Users app is a Premium App, if you're interested in the pricing, you can check out our Pricing Page.

Using Hive's external users, you can invite individuals to collaborate on projects within Hive.

External users are limited to the actions and messages within the assigned project and do not have access to your entire workspace. Let's dive into more details on the following topics:

What permissions do external users have?

External Users Can:

External Users Cannot:

Create Actions

Change the project settings

Make Comments in the Action

Add/Remove members to the project

Upload Files in the Action

Delete/Archive a project

View all content in the project

Create a project

Apply labels to the Action

View projects they're not part of

Apply action card template

Access child projects (even if they have been given access to the parent project)

Submit forms

Create/Edit labels

Sent and receive direct and group messages in Project Group Chat

Created/Edit action card template

Be part of an External Users Team

Create forms

Add Time Entries in the Action

Be added to a group chat (outside of their project)

Delete an Action

Send Direct Messages to users outside of their project (They cannot initiate conversation but if someone outside of their project messages them, they can respond)

Link Action to a project

Create a group chat

Create Dependencies

Submit Timesheet

Access Premium/Workspace Apps (Except Note & Portfolio View)

Access Project Overview

How to add an external user:

*Note - External Users cannot have the same domain as a Full Access user.

For Example - Workspace with as their email cannot invite an External User who has a email address.

Option 1: From 'New' button

  • Click the New > Invite button

  • The Invite New Members window will open. Select the tab that says "External user."

  • Add the email address of the person you want to invite and select the project(s) you want to add them to. After you click send invite, they will now have access to the project you selected.

Option 2: From a project

  • Go to the members modal (within the project click on the project members section on the top left side of the project)

  • Start typing their name or email address in the 'invite' input

  • Choose to add them as an external user

  • Set their access level and click 'Invite'

Note: If you do not have access to invite new members to your Hive workspace, you will not be able to add new external users via the members modal. You will only be able to add existing external users to a new project.

How to convert an external user to a regular user

  1. Go to your profile dropdown

  2. Select Manage users

  3. Select the External User tab

  4. Find the external user in the list, select the drop-down on the right and then 'Convert to full access'

How to remove external users

  1. From the Manage Users tab (see above)

  2. Find the external user and select 'Remove' from the drop-down next to their name

Hide Actions from External users

To make external collaboration even more seamless, you can now toggle on a "hide action" setting on specific action cards with a few clicks. This enables total privacy for your organization while allowing you to remain on top of actions and projects.

To get started, you will first need to enable the Client Mode in project settings. To do that, go to More, then click "Enable Client Mode".

Once this feature is enabled, all actions in the project will have an external users toggle on the top of the card which indicates if the card is either private to the internal team, or visible to external users. All action cards will be private to the internal team by default.

Action card level visibility for External users – Figma 2021-01-13 13-45-05

Once the toggle is enabled, external users will be able to see and access the card.

External Users and Hive Messaging:

External Users may direct messages with users that are members of projects where they are also a member.

External Users may not be added to group chats, but they will be a member of a group chat created from a project where they are a member. To create a group chat from a project, select that option from the More menu on the project:


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