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Hive Notes x Zoom Installation Guide

A step-by-step guide to using Hive Notes for Zoom

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over 2 months ago

How to Install:

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom Apps Marketplace

  2. Search for 'Hive Notes'

  3. Click 'Get'

  4. You will be redirected to a login page where you can login with your existing Hive credentials or create a new Hive account

  5. Go into Zoom and start a new meeting

  6. Open the Apps panel and click on Hive Notes

You can now take full advantage of Hive Notes inside your Zoom window! Hive Notes is a great resource to ensure you're getting the most out of your meetings. Within Hive Notes you can:

  1. Create and assign new action items and next steps so that nothing is missed

  2. Link a note to a calendar event (Bonus: If the calendar event is recurring, you can keep all your notes in one place using the 'Add new entry' feature)

  3. Share the note with all meeting attendees and collaborate on the note together.

More on Hive Notes can be found here.

Using Zoom's Summary AI in Hive Note

*This feature is currently under development and will be available soon!

With Zoom's Meeting Summary AI, users can now utilize this feature to have the AI create a Quick Recap, generate Next Steps as actions, and quickly draft a Summary of the meeting!

  1. Create a Meeting in your Calendar (Google Calendar or Microsoft Calendar).

  2. Make sure the conference meeting detail is a Zoom Meeting.
    *You may need to integrate Zoom with your calendar provider

  3. Create a Note in Hive and make sure the Note is linked to the Calendar Event.

  4. Once the calendar event is linked to the note, you should see the event details under the note title.

  5. You can conduct your meeting as normal and once you complete the Meeting, Zoom's Meeting Summary AI should populate the note.

Questions on Zoom's Meeting Summary AI with Hive Note

Q) What is Quick Recap, Next Steps, and Summary?

  • Quick Recap is a very condensed summary of the meeting.

  • Next Steps are action cards that get generated from the summary.

  • Summary is a full context of the meeting and may include sections/topics.

Q) Can anyone with a Zoom account use this feature?

A) You will need to have Zoom Pro or higher plan.

Q) Do I need to do anything in my Zoom account?

A) You must have a Zoom Pro or higher plan and enable Meeting Summary with the AI Companion feature.

Q) Who can see the summary?

A) Anyone who has access to the Note can see the summary.

Q) Where will the action cards be generated?

A) If the Note is attached to a Project, the actions will be created in that project.

Q) Will the Zoom AI summarize the meeting even if the Host is missing?

A) The meeting host must start the call for the Zoom AI to summarize the meeting.

Q) Which Hive Plan do I need to have to use this feature?

A) Users on any Hive Plan can access this feature, but a Zoom Pro account is required.


  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace

  2. Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the Hive Notes app

  3. Click Hive Notes

  4. Click Uninstall


Someone else in the meeting can't see my note.

If users are unable to see a note, first make sure that you've shared the note with them. You can view shared users as well as share with new users by clicking on the 'Share' button in the top left of your note. There you will see a list of users who currently have access to your note. If the user in question in not on the list, you can invite them by typing in their name or email address in the 'Invite' input. Once you add their email, click 'Add' to share the note with them. If you're still having issues, please contact

I can't remember my password / I'm having a hard time logging in.

You can use your standard Hive credentials to log in to Hive Notes for Zoom. If you forgot your password, simply to go and click the 'Forgot Password' option. Enter your email address and then follow the link in the email to reset your password. You can then use this new password to log in to your account. If you're still having issues, please contact

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