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How to Automate a Goal
How to Automate a Goal
Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over 2 weeks ago

With Hive's new Goals feature, not only can you create Goals that update based on Hive activities, but you can also hook up your existing business tools to directly update your Goal progress in Hive. Here are a few use cases we're excited about that are now possible with Hive Automate + Goals:

If your Goal is Driven by Revenue

We can connect to your CRM, like Salesforce or Hubspot, or your billing platform, to allow you to automatically update your Goal's current value for metrics like:

  • $ Target for ARR in Q1

  • $ Target for Pipeline created

  • $ Target for Closed Won Business in a specific month or quarter

  • % of monthly churn in your customer base

If your Goal is Driven by Lead Volume

Similarly, we can connect to Hubspot or many other Marketing Automation tools to gather the current number of leads, or leads created over a given period. Measure Goals like:

  • Total Leads Created This Month

  • Leads Converted This Quarter

If your Goal is Driven by Customer Sentiment

Measure and track your NPS, or other customer survey scores by connecting them directly into your Goals. If you're customer-centric, this is a must! Goals like:

  • Overall NPS this Year

  • NPS in a Given Quarter

๐Ÿ’ช We're just getting started - let us know which tools power your Goals, and we'll work to add support for it.

Updating your Goal using Hive Automate

Utilize the Hive Automate feature to automatically update your Goal in Hive. In this example, we will demonstrate how to add a numerical value to your current Goal using a custom field in an action card, triggered upon the completion of the action card.

In this example, we will update our ARR goal by adding the value of the custom field to our overall Goal whenever an action card is completed in a specific project.

1. Create a Goal that tracks numerical value.

2. Create a Custom Field that captures the value of the account.

3. Create a Hive Automate recipe.

4. Make a Hive Connection in Hive Automate.
5. Set up the recipe to capture when an action card is completed.

6. Retrieve action card information by using the ID.


7. Create a Variable in Hive Automate to capture the custom field value.

a. [Custom Field datapill] is getting all of the custom field in that action card

b. .where("id":"CUSTOM_FIELD_ID") is grabbing the specific ID of the custom field

If you need help getting the ID of your custom field, please reference our Get Custom Field ID documentation.

c. .pluck('numberValue') is specifically grabbing the integer value of the custom field

d. .join is converting the value from C and converting it from Array to String

e. .to_i is converting the value from D and converting it from String to Integer

8. Retrieve the details of a Goal.

9. Create another Variable in Hive Automate that captures the Goal value.

10. Use the Update Goal step to update the value of the Goal with the Action Card Custom Field.

Upon completing an action card, the custom field value associated with the action card will be automatically added to the Goal value.

Please refer to the attached GIF for a visual demonstration. As you can observe, the Goal initially displayed a value of $46,000. However, upon completing the action card, the value increased to $56,000. This is because the action cardโ€™s custom field was set to a value of $10,000.

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