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NEW: Time Reporting Roll-Up

Now view aggregated time and budget information in Time Reporting

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over 10 months ago

In the Time Reporting section, Hive will now will roll-up the timesheet or tracked time, utilization % and billed amount data from a child project to its parent project, displaying the total on the parent project line.

Keep reading to learn more!

Why did we make this change?

We wanted to make it even easier to - at a glance - understand how your projects are tracking at the client, or portfolio level. A common way to group projects in Hive is using a parent project for a client, department, initiative, region and the child projects contain the day-to-day projects, where team members track time. We've done the calculation for you now, rather than requiring an export and additional file manipulation to see the sum at the parent level.

Where does this change apply?

This change applies only in Time Reporting, accessible in the Time App from here:

Note: this change affects the Time Reporting UI only, not in Time Export, Portfolio View or Project Overview when viewing the parent project.

Which columns are aggregated up to the parent level?

The following data points are aggregated on the Parent Project line:

  • Budget: Sum of child projects budgets

  • Hours: Sum of child project hours

  • Estimates: Sum of child project estimated hours

  • Utilization %: Sum of child projects utilization %

  • Billable Amount: Sum of child projects billable amount

  • Remaining Budget: Sum of child projects remaining budget

  • Bill Rate: Average of child projects bill rates

  • Remaining Budget %: Sum of child projects

  • Cost Rate: Average of child projects cost rates

  • Total Hours Cost: Sum of child projects total hours cost

Can you show me a before and after?

Sure! See below. In the Before, you can see the Child Projects are displayed with no hierarchy, so we cannot see how these projects roll up to the parent project, since no time is tracked there.

In the After, we can see that the parent project is now present in the Time Reporting App, and it has a summary of the child projects underneath it.

Can I just see the Child Projects?

Yes! If you'd like, you can use the Filters to only see the child project and exclude the parent project:

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