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Project templates

Create and apply templates to projects to quickly get work kicked off

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over a month ago

Applying a project template to a new or existing project allows you to easily bring in a set of actions with pre-specified assignees, due dates and information. No need to recreate the wheel each time you kick off the same workflow. Let templates do the work for you!

How to create a new template

  1. Navigate to the 'Templates' tab on Project Navigator

  2. Select '+ New Project Template'

  3. Add basic attributes to your template (name, dates, color)

  4. Select who you'd like to share the template with 

  5. Select the default layout for the template

  6. Select 'Create Template'

  7. See the template in the 'Templates' tab

  8. Build out the template as you would a project (you can add actions and subactions and include start and due dates, sections, assignees, labels, etc.)

How to apply a template to a new project

  1. Find the desired template in the 'Templates' tab

  2. Hover over the template and select 'Apply'

  3. Name the project 

  4. Select start and/or end dates of the project, if desired (this will map template actions that have start and due dates to the new project)

  5. Update project settings, as desired (Make sure to select to copy assignees of actions if you would like template assignees to carry over in the new project)

  6. Select 'Apply template'

  7. See the new project in the 'Active Projects' tab in Project Navigator

Project sections, actions and subactions (and associated assignees, start and due dates and labels) from the template will be visible in the new project and can then be edited and updated in the project settings for the needs of the new project.

How to apply a template to an existing project

  1. Go to the more menu within the project

  2. Select 'Apply project template'

  3. Choose a template from the list (this list pulls from Active Projects and Templates in project navigator, so you have the option to choose from either list)

  4. Apply project template and see your actions populate!

How to convert an existing project to a template 

If you have existing projects that you want to use as templates, you can easily convert them into a template and move them to the 'Templates' tab.

  1. Open your project

  2. Go to the more menu within your project

  3. Select 'Save as template'

  4. Confirm the action by selecting 'Save as template'

The template will now be visible on the Templates tab in the Project Navigator.

Template Permissions

To allow for more customization in template privacy and reduce room for error, you can also:

  • restrict who can access and see project template

  • restrict who can apply project template

  • resrict who can edit project template

Note: Only the template owner or an Admin can change these settings.

When the template is applied, the default template members as well as the user who is applying the template will be copied over.​

Want to know more about how projects are currently scheduled? Please see below!

If template has no due date and resulting project has [X] date:

  • No due date: Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template

  • *Start date: Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template

  • Due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

  • Start date and due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

If template has only a due date and resulting project has [X] date:

  • *No due date: Due date will remain even if user clears it out. Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template

  • *Start date: Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template. Due date will remain so users will likely have a start date after the due date (eg October 27 - October 19)

  • Due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

  • Start date and due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

If template has only a start date and resulting project has [X] date:

  • No due date: Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template

  • Start date: Actions will be scheduled so that the first action is due on the project start date

  • Due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

  • Start date and due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

If template has a start and end date and resulting project has [X] date:

  • *No due date: Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template. Project will still have a due date (original template due date even though user cleared it out)

  • *Start date: Actions will be scheduled exactly as they are in the template. Due date will remain so users will likely have a start date after the due date (eg October 27 - October 19)

  • Due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

  • Start date and due date: Actions will be scheduled so that the last action is due on the project due date

*Please note that the asterisk next to some scenarios means that we're still working on the template date scheduling experience so this will continue to improve!

If template has custom-ordered columns:

  • If the project template has custom-ordered columns, the project created from the template will have the same columns. (See GIF)

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