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Staff projects, plan work, and manage your team's workload.

John Furneaux avatar
Written by John Furneaux
Updated over 2 months ago

To enable Resourcing, start by clicking on the Apps page in the left sidebar. Scroll down this list and toggle on the "Resourcing" app.

  • If you are an Enterprise team, this will already be active!

  • For non-enterprise teams, only admins are able to enable to this add-on.

    • If you'd like to trial resourcing, speak with your workspace admin to enable it up to 14 days at no charge.

In the Resourcing dashboard, users of your workspace will be able to see their personalized schedule. Managers can also use this dashboard to see any resources that they have booked or want to book for a project.

Getting Started

There are two primary approaches for resource assignments to display on the Resourcing dashboard which can be used in conjunction:

  1. Action level assignments

  2. Project level assignments

1. Action Level Assignments

To make use of the Resourcing feature at the action level, actions will need to have some key information filled in:

  • Assignee (i.e., who is responsible for this action)

  • Estimate (i.e., the estimated time we expect this action to take)

  • Due Date (and start date if spanning multiple days)

Based on this information, the Action will be plotted onto the Resourcing dashboard and calculate the amount of estimated time totaling for each time frame. You can click on the action on the Resourcing dashboard to up it for more action details or to make updates to the action.

With Assignees, Estimates, and Due Dates applied to actions, the Resourcing dashboard begins to reflect the team's workload over time. The percentages will show the workload for each day, and the timeframes for these percentages can be adjusted using a dropdown in the top right, that defaults to "Days".

2. Project level assignees

To reflect in the Resourcing dashboard when a resource will be working on a project, navigate to their name on the dashboard then click and drag to create a new project level resource listing. Click Confirm assignment if you're ready to notify the user about the new assignment!

Using the filter options, you be able to filter the Resourcing dashboard to only display specific projects, people, teams, roles, sections, labels, and other custom user tags.

Set Team Member Capacities

By default, these percentages are based a working day being 8 hours per day. To adjust the maximum number of working hours for an individual, click on a Team member's name on the left side of the dashboard. Near the end of the card there is an Availability section. You can set a date range for a custom availability, and then add the values here.

Show Utilization by Percentage or Hours

Utilization is the measurement of hours scheduled per day vs. the team member's capacity. When a team member's utilization is within capacity, you will see blue. When a team member's utilization is above their capacity, you will see red, indicating this work needs to be re-balanced.

This can be shown in a number of hours:

or in percentages:

To update whether the Resourcing dashboard shows Utilization in hours or in percentages, make sure you're in the Resourcing and click on the Settings gear in the top right. Select the General tab at the very bottom, and you will see an option with radio buttons for Hours and Percentage. Select your preferred options and close this window. If you cannot see this gear, speak with your workspace admin.

You can also control an individual's working capacity by clicking on their name to open their profile page. Under the 'Work week days' their working days can be adjusted which will determine their available capacity for each day of the way. If this is not set, then users will default to the overall capacity settings as shown above. Please note, the 'Start date' field is required in order to initiate the user's specific workweek schedule.

Set Holidays in Resourcing

To make sure holidays are set up in Resourcing, click on your Avatar in the top right of your Hive window, and go to Workspace Settings. Enable the calendar with the checkbox, and click the Customize calendar button to add holidays.

Enter a name and date for the Holiday and click the Add Holiday button.

Resourcing Permissions

By default the Resourcing app, when turned on, is visible to everyone in the workspace. However, you may restrict who can see the Resourcing page, through the permissions. Here's where this is located, from the Settings panel:

Capacity Finder in Resourcing

You can also filter Resourcing view to users that fit within a defined amount of availability. This allows teams to get a clear view of who has more/less utilization for the project, making the decision-making process faster.

Toggle the feature on, select the Time range, Start/End Date, and Utilization percentages, and click "Update". A list of available workspace users with availability % will populate.

Exporting Resourcing app

You can export from the Resourcing app from the More menu and choose the type of file (Excel or CSV) and the date range!

Resourcing Tips

  1. Color-code your projects!

    When the Resourcing dashboard is populated with actions across all of your projects, it can be difficult to see at a glance what you're working on today. Find a color-coding method that works well for your organization and team, and experience better readability in Resourcing.

  2. Make Projects with Scheduled Actions Public

    Users will only see actions in projects where they have access, so team members scheduling work need to see all actions to make sure someone isn't unintentionally overbooked. Where possible, we recommend making your projects Public. External users will not be able to see these Public projects unless they have specifically been provided access.

  3. Admins will be able to see all project titles in resourcing
    Admins in the workspace who has Allow admins to see all projects without being added to the project setting enabled will see all of the project's titles even if they're not part of the project.

  4. View removed users in Resourcing
    Using the Filters in the upper right corner, you can choose to view the Removed Users!

  5. View Blocked/Unblocked actions in Resourcing

    To provide clearer insight into the overall workload, you can filter actions by blocked or unblocked.

    When 'Blocked" is selected, only actions that are blocked by a dependency are displayed. When 'Unblocked' is selected, only actions that either have a cleared dependency or no dependency are displayed.

  6. View action cards by status in Resourcing

    To see if users are working on specific actions or not, you can filter your Resourcing dashboard by action card status.

    Using the Filters in the upper right corner, you can find "Action card status" as an option and choose the specific statuses (default and custom) you wish to view on the dashboard.

Do you still have a question about Hive's Resourcing App? Navigate up to that Blue Question-mark button up in the top right, and start a conversation with our Customer Success Team!

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