When planning a project, it's common to know the type of resource that will be working on the project but not yet know the specific person who will be assigned to the tasks.
We don't want this to stop you from planning your project and having a full understanding of the resources you need to accomplish the work.
Enter placeholders.
Placeholders offer an efficient way to assign actions from a project template in a new project with just a few clicks. Updating the placeholder once in the project will reassign all of the actions that were assigned to a placeholder to then assign them to the user in the project acting in that position during the project.
Additionally, actions assigned to a placeholder that have a due date and time estimates will then appear in under the Placeholder section in Resourcing, so you can see a total of how much time you'll need that resource for, making it easy to find the perfect resource for your project.
How it works:
Step 1: Create Placeholders in Hive Resourcing
Navigate to the Resourcing app in Hive. Once there, go to:
Click the 'More' button
Select 'Settings'
Then, navigate into the 'Placeholders' tab
To add a new placeholder, choose '+Add placeholder'.
*Note: you can also add bill rate and cost rate to your placeholders. Open Resourcing and click on the placeholder to do it.
Step 2: Edit your project to add the placeholders you need
From Project Navigator, hover over the project and click the pencil icon to Edit. Select the placeholders you need from the 'Placeholders' section of the edit project modal*. Click 'Apply' then 'Done' to save your changes.
*Note: you must have at least one other project member in your project, in order to add placeholders!
Step 3: Create your actions
Like you would for any action, give your action a title and add any detail you'd like. For the task to show in resourcing, be sure to add a due date and time estimate.
Step 4: Assign a placeholder to the actions
The most important step is to assign a placeholder to the action. Simply open up the action card and click on the assignee dropdown. Click "Use placeholders" and select the appropriate placeholder for the task.
*Note: You can also assign an action card to a Placeholder and a User to an action card!
Step 5: See your placeholder action estimates in resourcing
Witihin resourcing, you'll see estimated time allocations for each placeholder resource to quickly find available resources for your project and get your project staffed.
Step 6: Assign your resources to placeholder actions
Once you've finalized the staffing of your project and allocated resources to your project, assignment is just a click away! First, make sure your resources have been added to your project. Then, go into an action in your project and change the assignee of the action to the staffed resource. You will be prompted to reassign all tasks that have the same placeholder.
And you're done! Your project is staffed and actions are assigned. You're ready to get working!