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Dynamic Fields in Hive Forms

Further customize a form using dynamic fields

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated this week

Just getting started with forms? Review the article here to get you caught up. 

Hive forms has become even more powerful with the introduction of dynamic fields.

Dynamic Users

Dynamic users can automatically assign a member of your team to the action card that is created when a form is submitted. Once a form is submitted, that user is notified that they have been assigned a new action. When editing the field, be sure to click "Map to action assignee" to automatically assign the user to the card. Note: All members of a workspace are included in the form drop down. 

Only members of the project in which the form is being directed to will be available in the user dropdown list. For example, if I have a form being directed to a shared project only available to myself and another coworker, we are the only two users who will be available for selection in the dropdown. This is to protect project membership and assignment as you are only able to be assigned actions within projects that you are a member of. 

Dynamic Projects

Dynamic projects can map to the project the request relates to. Once submitted, the action is automatically added to that project for the team to work on within Hive. When editing the field, select "Map to project". Then in the 'available projects' drop down, choose the projects that will be available for selection on this form.

Dynamic Labels

With dynamic labels, the form submitter can select which label their form relates to. The action is then auto-labeled for the team who receives the request. When editing the field, select "Map to label". Then in the 'available labels' drop down, choose the labels that will be available for selection in this form.

Once complete, the user will be able to choose their assignee, project, and label(s) when submitting a form, and those fields will map directly back to Hive. 

Dynamic Custom Fields

You can also have dynamic custom fields in your form. You can choose between project and action custom fields.

If you go for action custom fields, don't forget to select 'Map it to action custom field' so that the response automatically fills in the custom field in the resulting action card.

Dynamic Priorities

Finally, you may select the Dynamic Priorities question type, to display a drop-down list of the action card priorities in the workspace to the form submitter. You should map the answer to the priorities field, as shown here:

On the form, the question appears like this:

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