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Hive Forms

Submit forms that automatically add pre-populated Hive actions

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over a week ago

In Hive, you can create custom forms that anyone (i.e., internally or externally) can fill out in their browser. Submitted forms have the option to automatically create an action card in Hive with all the form details.

Some great uses for Hive forms can include:

  • collecting orders or requests

  • submitting bugs and other issues

  • gathering structuring information from employees (e.g. contact info)

  • capturing details for a new project request

  • and much more!

How to create

  • Enable "Forms" from "Hive Apps" if it's not already enabled

  • Select "Forms"

  • Click "Create new form" from the forms library

  • Add a title and description

  • Drag and drop the fields you want to add to the form

There are multiple different question type options and dynamic fields you can add to a Hive form.

Below are example questions that can be created using a Hive form:

Checkbox Group 

Date Field

*Users can choose Min Date, Max Date/Min Date and Max Date to configure what dates a user can select from the form, this setting can be found in the edit modal for the Date Field in Forms.

File Upload (can support any type of file)



Radio Group

Text Field (Single or paragraph)

Text Area



Depending on which field you choose, you have the option to make it required, add help text, set a max character length, and other customizations.

  • Add confirmation message

This is the message that the person will see after they submit the form.

  • Set where you want to submit the form 

Form Statuses

To better control form versions and updates without losing prior submission data, we have three form statuses: Draft, Published, and Archived.

  1. Draft - This is where you work on designing, editing, or testing a form before it's ready for use.

  • Once you've made updates to your form or created a draft of it, selecting "Save" saves the form and maintains the Draft state. This means the edits you've made will not be published.

  • Selecting the "Publish" button saves the changes and allows the updated form to be displayed for members in the workspace.

  • All users can see a Draft Form in the Form Library, but it can only be published by the form owner or an Admin.

  • If a member of your team opens a link to a Draft Form, they will get a message indicating this form is under construction and cannot be submitted.

2. Published

  • Once your form is ready to go live, selecting "Publish" will both save and publish the latest version of the form.

  • All members of your team can see published forms.

Curious how to switch the form from Published back to Draft?

As an Admin or form owner, you might decide the form needs modifications made in the Draft status. To unpublish the form, navigate to the three dots menu at the top of the screen to Mark it as draft.

3. Archived

  • Archive/Unarchive options in the form are only available for form owner and Admins.

  • If a member of your team opens a link to the Archived Form, they will get the same message as above indicating the form is unavailable.

Pinning your Form: Individually vs Workspace pinning

This allows quick access to forms you use on a day-to-day basis or find yourself frequently using.

If everyone in the workspace does not have the same go-to forms, you can pin a form for yourself only in your Personal Form Library. Individually pinned forms will sit at the top of the Library and remain in the same position just for you (similar to pinning Notes and Projects).

If you prefer to pin a form for all workspace members, you can use 'shortcuts'. When a form shortcut is created, all users can access it via the 'New' dropdown in Hive.

Determine where the submitted forms should route

Once someone has submitted a form, the data can go to a few places.

Hive Action - Selecting the 'Create new action from form submission' option will automatically create an action card in Hive in a designated project and assign the action to the person(s) you select. It will look like this:

Hive Sub-Action - Selecting the 'Create new action from submission' option and choosing a parent action card will automatically create a sub-action card under the parent action card.

The sub-action will look like this:

Project - Selecting the 'Create new project submission' option will automatically create a new project each time the form is submitted. On the edit page of each question, you can designate the question selections to be mapped to the new project description and/or project custom fields areas.

Email  - Selecting the 'Each time a form is submitted, an email will be sent to the following people' can provide an email and all the information provided in the form will arrive in that inbox. See below.

For additional settings, open the "settings panel" at the bottom of the page.

Email submitter - Selecting the 'Each time a form is submitted, send a copy to the form submitter' option will send an email will all of the entered information to the person that filled out the form.

Require Hive sign-in - Selecting the 'Require sign-in for form submissions' option will require those submitting the form to sign into Hive in order to submit the form.

Admin Controls - Selecting the 'Only admins and form creator can edit' option restricts editing to the form creator and admins.

Preview a form

The new Form Builder allows users to preview what Forms will look like when sent externally. At the top of the page, select "Preview" to view the Form.

You can also customize preview settings to ensure correct formatting from different devices (iPhone, Desktop, etc.). Click the computer icon in the top right corner and a list of devices will populate.

Sharing the form Externally

Each form comes with a link that you can share or post on a website. 

To access the link, on the forms library page click the 'Copy URL' button to save it to your clipboard where you can then post it where you would like.

When a person clicks on the form, they will be taken to a web page that looks something like this.

There they can fill out and submit their information.

The "Form" feature is definitely an awesome way to get things done!

Internal vs. External form title

Teams often have an internal naming convention for their forms, making it easier for internal teammates to identify and use them, but want to add a clear title for external people filling out the form. So, let's dive into the details!

To bridge this communication gap, you can add an External title right under the Internal one. The external title will be visible for form submitters.

Rich text in the form fields

To make it easier to highlight important or significant information, we have added the ability to format text in forms by using hotkeys. With this feature, you can now bold, italicize, and underline text within any text field answers. The formatting you apply in the forms will also carry over to Hive to the completed card/project.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use:

  1. Open a form

  2. Add text area / single input / multi-text field

  3. Save the form

  4. Open it to submit

  5. Type some text

  6. Select it and hit Ctrl/Command + B/I/U keys.

Automatically save form drafts

Now user's entries in the form will no longer disappear even if you leave the form! Here is some information on how the form's draft works!

  • Any fields filled out in a form are saved automatically when you close the form.

  • When you re-open the form in the same browser on the same device, the answers you had previously filled out will still be there.

  • Attachments will not be saved, so if you re-enter the form, the attachment will need to be uploaded again.

Duplicating Form Questions

Users will be able to duplicate the question in the form by clicking on the Duplicate button in the Form Editor!

  • Any Logic that was placed in the question will carry over.

Downloading Form Submissions

Users will be able to download the form submissions from the form's Submissions page. (See GIF)

The export will include these columns in the CSV file:

Submission Title

Submission Date




This will be the title of the submission

This will show the date and time of when the form was submitted

This will show what was created from the form submission

This will display the Status of the action card or display Email sent

This will be a URL to the Action Card or the Project

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