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Submitting your Timesheet

With the Hive Timesheets application, users can submit time against their projects to be reviewed by their manager or the project owner.

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over a week ago

Start by enabling Timesheets in Hive Apps, by clicking on Apps shown here!

"Timesheets" can be toggled on by workspace admins. Once enabled, the application can be pinned to the left-hand navigational panel by clicking the pushpin in the corner of the app icon.

Populating your Timesheet

The updated Timesheet & Time Tracking functionality no longer requires you to manually click the “Fill recorded hours” button to transfer Time Tracking hours to the Timesheet.

Now, any Time Tracking recorded in the action card will automatically appear in the Timesheet.

Submitting Timesheet by Project

This method is used when you DO NOT track time in an action card and DO NOT use assignments in the Resourcing app.

First, select the week you would like to add time for using the week selector on the top right. 

To add time to your timesheet, you must first select the project you will be entering time against. To do so, click the + Add time button and search for the appropriate project. 

Next, add in the hours for each day you worked on that project. You will see the weekly total hours for that project under Total column.

The number on the left is hours you have logged and the number on the right is hours you were Resourced for or Estimated for.

If your organization uses Time Categories to segment and classify your hours worked, you will add each category and log time in the row of the category. If there is no category for time, you will just input any time logged for the project on the "No category" row.  Use the '+' icon next to the project name to select the category

You can also see the total hours logged for each day at the bottom of the columns for the days. 

Submitting Timesheet by Action Card's Time Tracking

This method is used when you DO track time in an action card but DO NOT use assignments in the Resourcing app.

Tracking Time in Action Card for Timesheet

If you do not want to track the times manually in the Timesheet, you can log the time in the action card, and that time will automatically appear in the Timesheet for that week.

To make an action card appear in the Timesheet, the workspace admin must set "Automatically fill from:" to "Time recorded from action cards."

Then the user can open or create an action card, enter the time, choose the date, choose the person, add a category (optional), add a description (optional), and then click Add time.

Now, any time that gets tracked in the action card will appear in the Timesheet automatically!

Tracking Time in Timesheet into Action Card

If a user wants to add an existing action card to the Timesheet, the user can click on the (+) Add action, search for the action card, then click "Add action".

From here, the user can manually enter the time they worked on the Timesheet, and the entered values will automatically get populated to the Time Tracking app in the action card!

Submitting Timesheet by Resource Assignment

This method is used when you DO NOT track time in an action card but DO use assignments in the Resourcing app.

If you want the Resourcing App's assignment to automatically get populated in the Timesheet, the workspace admin must set "Automatically fill from:" to "Assigned hours in Resource Assignments."

Now, the user can go to the Resourcing App, create a Resource Assignment for a user, choose a project, enter appropriate hours, and confirm the hours, then the Assignment will show up in the user's Timesheet!

Tip: To save some time, you can select the "Fill resource assignment hours" option to pre-fill cells with your Resourced hours. Please note, this will clear out any previous unsubmitted entries in those cells and will replace the values with the pre-fill values.

Submit your timesheet

Once you have filled in your timesheet for the week, you will submit the timesheet for approval using the Submit button. Your Timesheet will route for approval to whoever is listed as your manager in Your Profile or the project owner, depending on your project's time settings.

*Note - Admins can select themselves as Managers to approve their Timesheets!

Project's "Who should approve timesheets from this project?" setting can be found at the bottom of the Project's Setting.

View submitted hours

Once your approver has either approved or required changes to your timesheet, you will see all activity on your timesheets in the Approvals Log.

Once the timesheet is approved, it will be locked from editing. If your manager has rejected your initial submission, you will need to correct your entries and submit once more.

Print your Timesheet

If you rely solely on Timesheets to process payroll, you can easily print your Timesheets.

To print a Timesheet, click the arrow icon at the top right corner of the page (or use the Command/Ctrl + P hotkeys). The current selected user and week will generate a printer-friendly PDF of the Timesheet.

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