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Action card priorities

Adaptable to how your team works: create, set & sort your priorities

Erin Gouveia avatar
Written by Erin Gouveia
Updated over 8 months ago

One of the most requested features on our Feature Request page was the ability to set priority on action cards, and we're excited to announce that it's here - thank you for using your voice, Hive Community!

With priority levels on your action cards, you can now:

  • See a priority level indicator on the outside of cards in any project's card layout - aka, Status, Team or Label View

  • Create a customized priority list - including colors! (Is your team more Low, Medium, High? Or perhaps P1, P2, P3, P4? - it's your choice!)

  • Sort action cards by Priority level in your project's card layouts

How to get started: Toggle on the Hive App

Step 1: Toggle on Card priorities in Hive Apps. Note: A workspace Admin must enable this!

Step 2: Check out your new feature: open any action card to see the defaults: High, Medium and Low as shown in the screenshot below. If that works for you, you're all set! If you'd like to customize it, continue reading to the next section.

Customize your Priorities

We recommend starting by using the edit option to change the name & color of the 3 existing priorities and adding a fourth or more using the "Add a new priority level' option. Click the Edit pencil when hovering over the priority to get started:

You can customize:

  • Name

  • Level (when you sort, 1 will be at the top)

  • Color

View & Sort your Priorities:

Card Layouts

From a card layout, click Filters, and then under Sort's Order by drop-down, choose Priority Level. The cards will be ordered with Level 1 at the top, descending from there.

Priority Levels & Urgency

When sorted by Priority Level, if you have an action card marked as Urgent, the Urgent card will be ranked at the top, even if its Priority Level is lower than another card. After the Urgent card, the rest of the cards will be listed by their Priority Level (and cannot be re-ordered differently).

Table View

From Table view, show the Priority column and then click on the top of the column to sort in Priority order:

Common Questions

Q: Are priorities workspace-wide? Will they be the same on ALL action cards in the workspace?

A: Once toggled on, Card Priorities will be shown on all action cards across the workspace and will appear the same in the drop-down list across all action cards & projects.

Q: Can I see priorities in Table View? What about sorting by Priority in Table View?

A: Yes! Priority is now a column in Table view, and you may sort and filter based on this column.

Q: I have an enhancement request for this feature, how can I share it?

A: We would love to hear from you! Not sure if we have implemented your request yet? Here are some potential ways to expand upon this feature that are not yet implemented:

  • Show Priority level icon on subaction rows

  • Show Priority level icon in My Actions view & make the Priority sort sync up to the new Priority level (currently it still is related to the manual rank)

  • Add record of priority change to action card history

Go ahead and tell us what you would like to see below:

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