To view and update your workspace features, head to your profile dropdown, then Workspace Settings, and go to the Settings tab.
While all users can view these settings, only workspace admins can adjust them. If you are not an admin in your workspace, please reach out to your admin if you would like to request changes! See: Who are my Admins?
Here is a breakdown of what these settings do:
General Settings
Workspace Name
You can customize the title of your workspace!
Workspace Logo
120 x 20 or 600 x 120 is the recommended size for the workspace logo.
Working Week
Monday-Friday: Weekends will be considered Saturday & Sunday
Sunday-Thursday: Weekends will be considered Friday & Saturday
Monday-Thursday: Weekends will be considered Friday & Saturday & Sunday
Holiday Schedule
Check out our Add Holidays to Hive article for more info!
Set the default currency for the workspace.
See Currency under Project Default Settings to customize currency per project.
Show private actions: When selected, private actions will be visible in their associated projects for assignees. When deselected, private actions will only be visible in the My Actions for assignees
Show project ID: auto-generates a Project ID code for each project. Read more here
Hide project budgets from members and external users: When selected, only project owners will be able to see the project budget.
Action Default Settings
Subaction update prompt
Subaction prompts show when a change is made to an action card that could be applied to its subactions such as assignee, status, or label changes.
When selected, users will be prompted to choose if they want to apply the changes to the subactions or not.
When unselected, the prompt will not be shown and the changes will not be applied to the subactions.
Once a workspace Admin selects or deselects this setting, it will automatically be the default for the entire workspace.
Project Default Settings
By default, new blank projects created in the workspace will inherit these settings.
Allow actions to be assigned on weekends
If checked, action cards may be scheduled (start or due date) on weekends. If unchecked, action cards may not be scheduled on weekends and weekends will appear grayed out in the date picker.
This workspace-wide setting will be the default for any new projects created going forward.
The project-level setting will override this workspace setting if differs. For example, you have unchecked this setting here at the workspace level because your teams never work on the weekend, however, a new event project is started that requires weekend work. In the project settings for the event project, you may select 'allow actions to be assigned on weekends' and this will override the workspace setting, allowing the team to select weekend due dates.
Show completed subactions by default
If checked, the completed subactions will always show in the project.
This setting can also be turned on/off at a project level.
Kanban View
Select how you want subactions to show up in Kanban views. You can choose not to show subactions, show all subactions at all times and show subactions when they are in a different column from their parent action.
Automatically add teams to projects
Will automatically add the selected team or teams to any new projects created in the workspace. Very helpful if there is a group that should be able to see all projects created!
Gantt Auto-scheduling
Select how each new project created will have the auto-scheduling set: Off, On or Strict.
Choose which custom status will automatically be enabled in a new project!
Unstarted & Completed will always be included.
Custom fields
Choose which project custom field to enable in a new project
Move approvals to next stage when
You can select the default for all approval routes created in the workspace: all approvers respond, or all approvers approve.
Apps that are turned on for projects by default
You can choose to enable Time-tracking, Proofing & Approvals, or Agile app to be enabled in a new blank project.
Timesheets approvers
This setting will determine where the submitted Timesheet will go for approval.
Selecting Manager will route the Timesheet to the user's Manage for approval and selecting Project Owner will route the Timesheet to the project's owner for approval.
See which apps are turned on in your workspace from here, and adjust settings related to these apps in this section.
Everyone (default) or Specific people - This setting will only allow everyone to access the Dashboards app or specific users.
Proofing & Approvals
Enable Proof Annotation Numbering
Adds numbers to each annotation comment in proofing
Enable Proof Auto Versioning
Adds numbers to each version of a proof uploaded
Allow read-only members to access
If checked, read-only project members can view proofs, add comments & be routed approvals
Link group chats and project view switching
If selected, when you click into a project’s group chat, the project will open up.
Enable the "Everyone" group
Enables Everyone chat group with all workspace members
Show subaction time on parent actions
Will summarize time between subaction & parent actions for time-tracked & estimated on the action card
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