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Gantt charts

The easiest way to plan your project

John Furneaux avatar
Written by John Furneaux
Updated this week

Gantt charts have been around for a long time - what was missing was the ability to actually use the Gantt chart to execute your project.

With Gantt charts, Hive allows you to plan and execute your project, all in the same tool. Let's take a look.

Create a Project in Gantt View

  • Go to the project navigator and select +New Project

  • Give it a title and add description, due date, and attachments as needed

  • Select sharing settings (you can read more about that here)

  • Choose 'Gantt View' as your project layout and select create

  • It should open your new Gantt project. Click +Add an action, type the name, and press enter. Just click on the Gantt chart to give it a start date and deadline. See it in action in the GIF below.

  • In no time, your project plan is all set up! 

Updating Gantt View

Once you've created a Gantt view, there are lots of ways to customize it for your needs.

Changing the timeline

Gantt view is defaulted to show you a timeline of several months, but you can change it. You can zoom in to look a few weeks or zoom out to look at a project over a whole year.

Going fullscreen

If you want to make your Gantt view bigger, you can expand it to cover your whole screen.

Changing assignees

Marking complete

Hiding subactions

Click circle and drag to the beginning of the next action

Expand your Actions

Check out the counter and expand/collapse each layer of your subactions. Use additional options in the dropdown to Expand all or Collapse all.

Wrapping Column Text

Right-click on the title of the action card then choose the "Wrap column text".

This will make the text wrap around in the column.

Add colors

To make your Gantt more customizable and visually appealing, as well as create better organization, you can change the color of action card bars.

To do that, right-click the desired action and select a color. The color will automatically override any label colors from actions, and apply to all project views and summary views.

Displaying Percentage Completion

If you wish to display the percentage completion of your parent action card by its subactions, you can enable the “Display percent complete” option in the Configure settings.

You can also set this percentage completion manually by changing the "Display percent complete" to "Manually Update", and then drag the icon to change the percentage.

Hide/show elements

Navigate to Filters to customize your view and hide or show elements such as milestones, actions, and sections. The "Show" dropdown under the Display section will allow you to better visualize independent goals within Gantt.

Highlight changes

When a date is changed, you'll see Hive highlighting action start/due dates that were changed as well.

This makes it easier for your team — specifically project managers — to run "What if" scenarios in Gantt before taking action.

The highlight will disappear when you change a new date or leave the project & come back in.


You can also customize your Gantt view and enable or disable different columns based on your needs. These include Status, Start and End date, Duration, Predecessor, Assignee, Labels, Estimate, Total time Tracked and Custom Fields.

If you have the Duration column enabled, you can see the total project duration which can be extremely handy. The duration is calculated based on the start date of the first action, the due date of the last action, and the number of working days between those days.

From Gantt view you can export to PDF, PNG, Microsoft Project, CSV, Excel, and Excel Chart as well as adjust export settings.

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