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Dashboard Pivot Table Calculations

Calculation details for Pivot Table values

Donnell Tanadi avatar
Written by Donnell Tanadi
Updated over a week ago

Time Tracking

Time Tracking Hours

The total time tracked (in hours) recorded on action cards.

Time Tracking Cost

The total cost of the tracked time, calculated by multiplying each user’s tracked hours by their individual cost rate.

Time Tracking Billed

The total billable amount for the tracked time, calculated by multiplying each user’s tracked hours by their individual bill rate.

Estimated Time

The total amount of time (in hours) estimated on action cards.

Estimated Cost

The total cost of the estimated time, calculated by multiplying each user’s estimated hours by their individual cost rate.

Estimated Billed

The total billable amount of the estimated time, calculated by multiplying each user’s estimated hours by their individual bill rate.


Timesheet hours

The total hours from submitted, unsubmitted, pending, approved, changes requested and unapproved timesheets (filterable by each status).

Timesheets Cost

The total cost of timesheet hours, calculated by multiplying each user’s hours by their cost rate.

Timesheets Billed

The total billable amount of timesheet hours, calculated by multiplying each user’s hours by their bill rate.

Timesheets Billable Cost

The total cost of all billable timesheet hours, calculated by multiplying each user’s billable hours by their cost rate.

Timesheets Non Billable Cost

The total cost of all non-billable timesheet hours, calculated by multiplying each user’s non-billable hours by their cost rate.

Timesheets leave hours

The submitted timesheet hours as a leave type.


Resourcing Estimates

The total amount of resourced (scheduled) hours from the Resourcing app.

Resourcing Estimate Cost

The total cost of the resourced hours, calculated by multiplying each user’s resourced hours by their cost rate.

Resourcing Estimate Billed

The total billable amount of the resourced hours, calculated by multiplying each user’s resourced hours by their bill rate.

Time off

The resourced hours as time off.

Utilization (%)

Utilization is a metric that measures how much of a user’s available time is allocated to project work, compared to their total available hours.

Utilization (%) = ( (Estimated Time + Resourcing Estimates) − (Time Off + Holidays)​ ) / Available Hours × 100

  • Estimated Time: Sum of estimated hours on action cards within the selected date range.

  • Resourcing Estimates: Sum of resourced hours in the Resourcing app within the selected date range.

  • Time Off + Holidays: Total hours allocated for vacation, sick days, company holidays, etc.

  • Available Hours: Total working hours a user is available in the given date range (e.g., 8 hours/day × number of working days).


Project Budget

Total project budget assigned to the project through the Project Navigator.

Other Costs

Other costs added to the project through the Project Navigator.

Budget Remaining

Each “Budget Remaining” metric follows the same core formula:

Budget Remaining = Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Calculated Value)

Time Tracking Cost Budget Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Time Tracking Cost)

Time Tracking Billed Budget Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Time Tracking Billed)

Timesheets Cost Budget Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Timesheets Cost)

Timesheets Billed Budget Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Timesheets Billed)

Estimated Budget Cost Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Estimated Cost)

Estimated Budget Billed Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Estimated Billed)

Resource Est. Cost Budget Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Resource Estimates Cost)

Resource Est. Billed Budget Remaining

Project Budget - (Other Costs + Total Resource Estimates Billed)


Margin Timesheet Cost Budget (%)

Timesheet Cost Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Timesheet Billed Budget (%)

Timesheet Billed Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Resource Est. Cost Budget (%)

Resource Est. Cost Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Resource Est. Billed Budget (%)

Resource Est. Billed Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Estimated Cost Budget (%)

Estimated Cost Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Estimated Billed Budget (%)

Estimated Billed Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Time Tracking Cost Budget (%)

Time Tracking Cost Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Margin Time Tracking Billed Budget (%)

Time Tracking Billed Budget Remaining / Project Budget x 100

Forecasted Margin

Estimated Billed Amount - (Estimated Cost Amount + Other Costs)

Forecasted Margin (%)

(Forecasted Margin / Estimated Billed Amount) x 100

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